Partial Solutions

Educators can distribute an interactive applied learning activity with a partial solution. This is accomplished by creating the activity in CreatorBasic or CreatorAdvanced, loading it into Presenter as a learner would, and building a partial solution. This partially solved activity in Presenter is saved and distributed to learners.

Two examples of partially solved case scenarios are shown below. Learners would load each into their browser, complete the solution, and submit their finished work, or print out their solution for turning in prior to class or for peer review.

The third example demonstrates how learners would enter their answers in a paper-based bubble sheet system for automated grading. The entry in the solution with a 1 would correspond to the first multiple choice question on the bubble sheet and so on. In this particular example, answers for 1,2,and 3, would be interchangeable as would answers 4 and 5; 6 and 7; and 8,9, and 10.

Another option is to have four multiple choice questions that correspond to each grouping. In this example, 1 would remain as 1 corresponding to the first question, 4 would become 2 corresponding to the second question, 6 would become 3 corresponding to the third question, and 8 would become 4 corresponding to the fourth question. Questions 1 and 4 would have multiple choice options that included combinations of three observations, and questions 2 and 3 would have combinations of two.

fillinrelevantobservation rearrangeassessmententries
